
I was born on 21 of May in 1958 in Ukraine. My parents immigrated to Estonia when I was approximately twelve years old. My father was an artist, and I received my first drawing lessons in his studio. In 1976 I graduated from art school in Estonia. There I exhibited my first artworks. In 1989 my family and I immigrated to USA. During my fifteen years here I’ve seen that the American artistic cycle is full of impressions and events. In Sacramento, California I continued to study painting in college, as well as photography, computer graphics, and learned how to stay alive amongst strong competition.

I traveled around the world and my work has spread all over. After time had passed, I needed to grow within myself and my skills. For six years I had traveled around Europe, Asia, and Russia. After increasing my skills at the Art Academy of St. Petersburg I settled back in Estonia. As one journalist wrote about me, 'he took a pilgrimage to a finally free Estonia”. There I did two solo exhibitions and participated in many exhibitions with other artists. Now I'm back in America. I have new experiences, and new ideas which I am implementing on canvas.

Color and paint is not synonymous to me. Paints are limited but color is a spiritual substance, and it is infinite. In each work I'm looking for a unique color. My paintings usually start with a color idea, and then evolve into compositions in which color is the primary subject. To me, art is a synthesis of my personal feelings, techniques, and the subject, objects, and colors that inspire me.